High School hosts Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG)Initiation and Installation Ceremony

High School hosts Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG)Initiation and Installation Ceremony

The High School hosted the Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) Career Association’s Initiation and Installation Ceremony today! Our dedicated students at Tomah High School are committed to maximizing their high school experience. JAG is instrumental in helping our young people overcome barriers and achieve their academic and career aspirations. Through JAG courses, students gain essential job skills, hands-on experience, and receive a year of follow-up support to ensure a smooth transition from graduation to employment, military service, or post-secondary education.

"A heartfelt thank you to Ms. Williford for her unwavering support of student growth as our JAG specialist at Tomah High School! We also extend our gratitude to Forward Services for their continued partnership, which significantly enhances student achievement now and in the future." Principal Robert Joyce

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