901 Lincoln Avenue Tomah, WI 54660
Mr. Robert Joyce, Principal
Mr. Jeff Adams, Associate Principal
Dr. Jamie Nusbaum, Associate Principal
School drop off begins at 7:30 am (class begins at 7:55) and pickup/dismissal time is at 3:21 pm.
View the 2024-2025 THS Bell Schedule here:
Is your child going to be late or absent from school today?
Late: Call the attendance office prior to 8:30 am to ensure your child is included in the hot lunch count.
Absent: Call the attendance office prior to 8:30 am. This line is available 24/7 to leave a message; please included your child’s name, reason for absence and your child’s homeroom teacher.
Attendance Office
All students are allowed 10 excused absent days per year. Included in these types of absence are; illness, family commitments and college visits.