813 Oak Avenue Tomah, WI 54660
Mrs. Justina Anderson, Principal
School drop off begins at 7:30 am (class begins at 7:55) and pickup is at 3:00 pm.
It's important to drop off and pick up on time.
Call the Front Office before 8:30 am. This line is available 24/7 to leave a message; please include your child's name, reason for absence and your child's homeroom teacher. |
Call the Front Office prior to 8:30 am to ensure your child is included in the hot lunch count. |
About Miller Elementary School
Miller Elementary is centrally located in Tomah only blocks from the Middle School and High School. Miller is a quaint school house serving students in Kindergarten through 5th grade. At Miller, we ensure learning for all. We provide guidance and resource programs, challenge opportunities and progress monitoring of all students to help us meet that mission.
If you'd like to learn more, schedule a tour, or have other questions, please feel free to contact our front office!
Learn more about Miller's Learning Environment:
Ready to Enroll?
Friends are waiting!
Miller Elementary's Programs
Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS)
Lemonweir is proud to participate in TASD's Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS) program. This is a process for creating safer and more effective classrooms; it focuses on being clear and consistnt with behavior expectations, teaches respectable behaviors, and provides positive reinforcement when students are cooperating.
Tools are made readily available to students to ensure their success in the program and incentives are used to encourage the use of PBIS:
COOL TOOLS: School - wide instruction of expected behaviors. These tools can be used outside of the classroom, too! Ask your student to share them with you.
PAWS: Children demonstrating expectations earn PAWS points to put towards classroom incentives.
TIMBER REWARDS: Presented to students by members of the community when students show positive behaviors within their settings.
Buddy Classes
An intermediate grade class (3rd, 4th, 5th) and a primary grade (Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd) have students "buddy" up for the school year to do "Buddy" projects related to curriculum.
Miller Mail
This is our very own Inner-school mail system. 3rd-5th graders are official postal workers (collectors, facers/cancellers, sorters and delivers) Students from every grade send letters to friends and family at Miller each week.
Safety Patrol
The Safety Patrol program enhances the safety of our students. In addition, it promotes the development of leadership skills and good citizenship qualities. A safety patrol’s job is to model for students the safety rules that have been taught in the classroom, and to assist students in safe transitions throughout the building. Patrols receive instructions in safety guidelines and procedures during their training and patrol meetings. Safety patrols are selected from the fifth grade. Patrols are selected with input from teachers, administrators. Consideration is based on student interest, commitment, responsibility, self-discipline, and a written letter as to why they should be considered a Safety Patroller.
Adoption of Academic Standards for the 2024-25 School Year
The Tomah Area School District has adopted the following academic standards. Math - Wisconsin State Standards Wisconsin Standards for Mathematics; ELA - Wisconsin State Standards Wisconsin Standards for English Language Arts; Social Studies - Wisconsin State Standards Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies; Science - NGSS Home Page | Next Generation Science Standards (nextgenscience.org); Business - Wisconsin State Standards raft Standards: Business and Information Technology (wi.gov); Career -Wisconsin State Standards Wisconsin Standards for Career Readiness; Art - Wisconsin State Standards Wisconsin Standards for Art and Design; Technology Education - Wisconsin State Standards Wisconsin Academic Standards for Information and Technology Literacy; Music - Wisconsin State Standards Wisconsin Standards for Music; LMC - Wisconsin State Standards Wisconsin Academic Standards for Information and Technology Literacy; Agriculture - National AFNR AFNR Standards – The National Council for Agricultural Education (ffa.org); ESS - SHAPE America (National Standards) National PE Standards-Highly Effective Physical Education (shapeamerica.org); Health - SHAPE America (National Standards) National PE Standards-Highly Effective Physical Education (shapeamerica.org); World Language - ACTFL (World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages) ACTFL | World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages; School Counselors - ASCA Standards - American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
These academic standards were adopted by the Board of Education on July 15, 2024, and recorded in the Board minutes.
School District Accountability Report
As part of the state accountability system, the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has produced report cards for every school district in Wisconsin. These report cards provide data on multiple indicators for four (4) priority areas: student achievement, student growth, closing gaps, and on track and post-secondary readiness. View Tomah’s previous year accountability reports. Download the full 2023-2024 report with data for each school.
Wisconsin's Information System for Education Data Dashboard
Use this public portal to explore statistics about Wisconsin public schools. Click on the Quick-Start video icon on the right to view a 3-minute video to get started.
Tomah Area School District ESSER III Plan
For additional assessment information and educational options available to resident children please visit the Required Notices page.