Lemonweir Mentorship Program

Mentoring is a partnership.

TASD Administrators are partnering with Gundersen Medical Foundation to bring a mentorship program to the students at Lemonweir Elementary. This program bridges together the education and health of students by leveraging the volunteer spirit of our Tomah community.

Mentoring matters.

This relationship becomes pivotal to students transitioning into the school day and increases their success through improved academic performance, fewer disciplinary referrals, and greater display of our values: “High Quality Student Learning. Every Child. Every Day.”

Mentoring is a commitment.

  • Mentors are asked to visit their mentee once a week (or more) during their typical school hours. Often, mentors come right away in the morning to greet their mentee as they arrive to school, or they come during lunch time to share a meal with their mentee. 
  • Mentors will build trusting relationships with their mentee through positive, consistent, and recurring visits during their school day. Mentors typically maintain the relationship with their mentee(s) continuously throughout their elementary education should they serve in the program for consecutive years.
    • Due to the school-based nature of these relationships, we ask that contact does not occur outside of the school setting.
  • Lemonweir is a choice school within TASD offering a 45-15 academic calendar. This means the school is in session year-round. The school year begins mid-July and ends early June. To see the current or upcoming academic calendar, please [click here].
    • Returning mentors are invited to reconnect with their mentee in late August.
    • New mentors meet their mentee late September/early October after attending orientation.
  • Mentors are engaged in a mid-semester check-in from the Lemonweir principal.

Mentoring is a Process.

There are a few prerequisites prior to being paired with a mentee. If you have any questions or concerns with any of the below required steps, please contact the Lemonweir front office.

  • Fill out Lemonweir Mentor Preference Questionaire
  • Complete/pass background check (will be sent to you via email)
  • Complete Mentoring Interest Volunteer Form (will be sent following background check)
  • Attend Mentor Orientation (details will be provided from administrators)
  • Connect with mentee; the Lemonweir staff will invite you to your first school visit for a brief orientation and to meet your mentee.

This program has been adapted from Gundersen Global Partners-At Home, a department of the Gundersen Medical Foundation (2016).

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