State Scholarship Opportunities


Links leading to sites with several scholarships available:

Wisconsin Scholarship Directory - A list of 100+ vetted scholarships for students across the region, broken down by month.

Scholarship Name Details

AB Nicholas Scholarship Foundation - $10,000 for four-year programs, $5,000 for two-year programs:  renewable for the length of the program

Approximately 100 scholarships offered to Wisconsin public and private high school graduates

Scholarship applications available online inly starting February 1, 2024       

Posted 11-10-2023

Scholarships are based on need, academic achievement and character. Qualifications are listed below:

  1. Residents of Wisconsin
  2. Public and Private high school students
  3. Basketball program participants in their senior year
  4. Planning to attend a University of Wisconsin System school
  5. Not participating in sports at the Division 1 level in college (4-year program only)
  6. Submission deadline: April 30, 2024. 

Alliant Energy Innovation Scholarship - Multiple @ $1,000 ea

See all eligibility guidelines as well as restrictions that apply to this scholarship. A full list of all of Alliant Energy's available scholarships can also be seen at this link. Applications are now closed. 


Updated 2-21-2023                                         

  1. Must be a U.S. resident age 24 or under residing within the Alliant Energy service territory at the time of application.
  2. Must be enrolling for the first time in full-time undergraduate study in business or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Math) major at an accredited two-year or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school located within the Alliant Energy Corporation service territory (Iowa and Wisconsin) for the entire upcoming academic year.
  3. Must be a dependent child of a current customer or must be a current customer of one of Alliant Energy's utility subsidiaries (Interstate Power and Light or Wisconsin Power and Light)
  4. Must have a cumulative high school GPA between 2.5 - 4.0 on a 4.0 scale - emphasis will be placed on community service leadership activities;
  5. Approximate Deadline: February 15, 2024

Allied Cooperative Scholarship - 25 @ $1,000 ea

2024 Allied Cooperative Scholarship Application 


Posted 12.23.2023

  1. Applicant shall be an Allied Cooperative member or a dependent of an Allied Cooperative member at the time of application.
  2. Applicant shall be a full-time student pursuing a two or four year degree.OR farm and industry shourt course program.
  3. Complete application (see application for complete list of eligibility/instructions)
  4. Short essay on the role of agriculture in the community and your future career goals.
  5. A photo for follow-up publicity (Digital photos preferred.  Photos may be submitted to  Reference scholarship application when e-mailing photo.
  6. Deadline:  March 31, 2024

American Legion Auxiliary Scholarships ---- $23,000 total monies

National Presidents' Scholarship
Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary (8 individual scholarships)
For Non-Traditional Students
Spirit of Youth Scholarship for Junior Members

Application information and materials

Update 12.14.2023

  1. Child or grandchild of veteran (see individual applications for definitions of child or grandchild)
  2. All Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary scholarship applications must have a local Auxiliary Unit certification and signature.
  3. Approximate Deadline: March 1, 2024

American Legion – Department of Wisconsin Scholarship – Over $35,000

Check website for additional scholarships including, but not limited to:

  • American Legion Baseball - $500 - $2500
  • American Legion Legacy Scholarship -
  • Scouting Scholarship “Eagle Scout of the Year” - $1,000 to $10,000
  • Samsung Scholarship

Updated 12.14.2023

  • Check their website for eligibility and requirements for each of their scholarships.
  • Deadlines vary for each scholarship

Chaseburg Farmers Union Coop Scholarship - 1 @ $500

Application and more information can be found here

Posted 1.16.2024

  1. Parent must be an active member of the Chaseburg Farmers Union Coop
  2. Student must be accepted to any 4- year college or 2- year vocational college
  3. Provide current transcript and ACT and or SAT test scores
  4. Provide one letter of support from a teacher, principal, superintendent, or adviser
  5. Applicant should include a letter indicating:
    1. Applicant's community and school involvement
    2. Applicant's desire for this scholarship
    3. An employment reference, if possible
  6. Deadline is February 28, 2024

*All of the above informmation should be included with the application form along with proof of college enrollment (i;e. ID card, receipt of tuition payment, or whatever the institution provides is acceptable).

*This scholarship is non-renewable

Construction Professionals of Tomorrow Scholarship - up to $40,000


Brickl Bros, Inc. has establisdhed a scholarship program to assist students who plan to pursue a four-year degree in Construction Management, Architecture, or Structural Engineering degree program at an approved college or university.

Contact: Kelly Abbott - HR Manager  Mail: 400 Brickl Rd, West Salem, WI 54669       Email: 608-399-9562

Updated 11-16-2023

  1. High School Senior planning to enroll full-time in a four-year degree program in Construction Management, Architecture, or Structural Engineering
  2. Must have ACT score of 26 or higher or SAT schore of 1240 or higher; submit scores
  3. Complete application
  4. Essay: 500-1,000 words typed AND hand-written "Who do you respect the most in your life and why?"
  5. Demonstrate leadership and participation in school and community activities
  6. Future career aspirations in construction industry
  7. Deadline: March 31, 2024

National Society - Daughters of the American Revolution - Multiple Scholarships Available


Application information




Updated 12-13-2023

This site offers several different scholarships in several different categories. Categories are:

  • General 
  • Members
  • History, Economics, Government & Political Science
  • Medical, Nursing, & Physical/Occupational Therapy
  • Elementary and Secondary Education
  • American Indians
  • Specific

Deadline is January 31, 2024

Elks Association Wisconsin -  Most Valuable Student Scholarship - 12 @ $4,000 & 80 @ $1,000

2024 Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship available  August 5 thru November 13 

Application instructions

Updated 12.14.23

  1. Current High School Senior
  2. U.S. Citizen
  3. Enroll in a four-year undergraduate degree program at accredited U.S. American colleges or universities.  It is acceptable for a student to enroll in a two-year college for the first two years of the four-year program.
  4. Applicant will be judged on leadership, academic achievements and records, community involvement, and financial need.
  5. Must be submitted online
  6. Deadline: November 13, 2023

Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin Scholarship up to 10 scholarships @ $2,000 each

2023-2024 Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin Scholarship Application

Application information

Updated 12.13.23

  1. High School Senior
  2. Applicant shall enroll in a four-year ABET accredited program leading to a baccalaureate degree in engineering and shall intend to enter the profession of engineering upon graduation.
  3. Academic requirements are:  GPA:   Minimum - 3.20           ACT Composition Score: Minimum-26
  4. Applicant must be a U.S. citizen and Wisconsin Resident.
  5. Deadline: December 18, 2023

Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association Scholarship - 10 @ $1,250 ea 4-yr college
                                                                                                             2 @  $1,000 ea technical college

2024 Equity Cooperative Livestock Sale Association Scholarship 


Posted 10-17-2022

  1. College Student must have completed two or more semesters at an accredited college or university, or any student who has completed at least one semester at a technical college.
  2. Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above on 4.0 scale
  3. Student or their parent must be an active shipping member of Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association.
  4. Submit application online.
  5. Official transcript and a copy of your spring course schedule and one letter of reference must be mailed together by November 30, 2024.
  6. Deadline:  November 30, 2024


Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Student Excellence Scholarship -100 @ $10,000

2024 Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Student Excellence Scholarship 
Herb Kohl Excellence Scholarship Scoring Rubric

Updated 1.16.2024

  1. 2024 Senior
  2. Enter Activities related to :Arts & Humanities, Competitive Activities and Service, Civic & Citizenship
  3. Student Essay:  Write a personal narrative essay, not to exceed 500 works that describe your goals in the following areas: 
    a) Future educational pursuits and goals
    b) Personal life and goals
    c) Service to your community or society
    d) Future career goals
    e)Tell us something about you that we can't learn from anywhere else in the application
  4. Submit 3 letters of recommendation
  5. Deadline:  November 8, 2024


ISL Midwest Senior Scholarship - 10 @ $1,000

ISL Education Lending


To sign up for this scholarship and view the official rules, visit our website at 

  1. To be eligible, students must be current high school seniors from Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota or Wisconsin who attend college in fall 2024.
  2. No requirements for minimum GPA or class rank, financial need, intended major or purchase

Kids Chance of Wisconsin Scholarship - $500 to $5,000

2024 Kids Chance of Wisconsin Scholarship Application  

Updated 12.14.2023

  1. Student should be between the ages of 17 to 24.
  2. A child of a parent who sustained a work related serious injury or fatality, covered by worker's compensation laws of Wisconsin.  Parent's injury death must have been a compensable or compromised claim.
  3. The parent's injury or death had a financial impact on the family.
  4. Preference given to students who are Wisconsin residents at time of application and entering Wisconsin schools.
  5. Must have a high school diploma, GED/HSED, or a high school student in good standing (who will graduate in academic year).
  6. Deadline:  May 1, 2024

Marquis Energy - Wisconsin Scholarship - A total of $10,000 will be awarded, with up to (2) $2,500 winners.

Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis and must be used immediately for the following academic year of award date.

  • Scholarship application can be found here
  • Scholarship terms & conditions can be found here
  • Scholarship privacy policy can be found here
  • Scholarship photo use release form can be found here


Updated 2.20.2024

Applications will be open from January 15, 2024 through March 1, 2024.

  1. Applicants will be enrolled in a full-time, undergraduate degree program at a two-year or four-year university, college or technical school.
  2. Applicants applying reside within a 90-mile radius of Marquis Energy - Wisconsin facility located in Necedah, WI.
  3. Applicant Activities and Involvement.
  4. Essay Question #1 response (500 - 750 words) to the question: "How will you follow your passion and change the world?”
  5. Essay Question #2 response (500 - 750 words) to either question: "How can biofuels reduce our greenhouse gas emissions?" OR “Discuss the significance of ethanol as a renewable energy source. How does it contribute to sustainable energy practices, and what potential does it hold for the future?”
  6. Fill-in field for degree of study or planned degree of study
  7. One letter of reference from a professor, instructor, adviser, teacher, supervisor, church leader or other professional
  8. Deadline: March 1, 2024.

R.I.A. Federal Credit Union Scholarship - 5 @ $1,000 ea

2024 R.I.A. Federal Credit Union Scholarship application 

Updated 2-24-2023

  1. High School Senior or current college student (applicants may re-apply each year during graduate school)
  2. Demonstrated academic excellence, exhibit outstanding contributions to their school and community
  3. Enrolled in an accredited two or four year college, university or vocational-technical school.
  4. Primary member of R.I.A. FCU with an account in good standing
  5. U.S. citizen
  6. Deadline: Must be postmarked no later than March 31, 2024

Stavri Joseph MLC/CLS $6,000 Scholarship Award - 1 @ $6,000

Application information can be found here


Updated 1.16.2024


  1. Be a resident of the State of Wisconsin
  2. Be enrolled in, or be a graduate from, an accredited high school in Wisconsin
  3. Have completed at least the first half of the twelfth grade
  4. Show the results of at least one of the College Entrance Examination test scores - ACT, SAT, PSAT - on the transcript
  5. By September 2024 enter a 4-year bachelor's degree curriculum in Medical Laboratory Science/Clinical Laboratory Science at an accredited university in the State of Wisconsin. Applicants may matriculate immediately following high school graduation or following a gap year or other delay as long as they are beginning a 4-year program at one of the following universities: Marquette, UW-LaCrosse, UW-Milwaukee, UW-Oshkoh, UW-Stevens Point 
    • Note: Students who plan on attending a 2-year UW Center for their initial course work before transferring to one of the universities listed above are also eligible, provided their undergraduate application or admission indicates that their intended major is MLS/CLS/MT. 
    • Students pursuing careers in bacteriology, biology, biotechology, molecular biology, nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, radiology are NOT ELIGIBLE   Be accepted and indicate the University where the degree will be complete
  6. Briefly specify reasons for pursuing a creer in MLS/CLS
  7. Email or postmark application no later than midnight on March 31, 2024. 

The Foundation of the Wisconsin Automobile & Truck Dealers Association Scholarships - 60 to 80 scholarships awarded.

2024 Application

Updated 12.14.2023

  1. 2024 High School Senior, adult students and continuing technical college students.
  2. Wisconsin resident, valid driver's license with a good driving record.
  3. Plan to attend or currently be enrolled in an automotive, auto collision or diesel technician program at a NATEF-certified Wisconsin technical college.
  4. Plan to pursue a professional career in the automotive, diesel, auto collision or motorcycle industry.
  5. High school students must submit their ACT (or ACCUPLACER) test scores and complete two additional on-line tests.  Testing should be completed by January 15, 2024
  6. Deadline for application and testing is January 15, 2024

TIP Grant - Varied

2024 Grant Application 

Updated 2-24-2023

  1. High School Senior or Former Graduates
  2. Wisconsin Resident
  3. First time freshman and meet at least one criterion under Group A and one criterion under Group B.
  • Group A:  Financial Need Criteria
    • A dependent student whose expected parent contribution if $200 or less
    • An independent student whose expected contribution is $200 or less
    • A dependent student whose family is receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits
    • An independent student who is receiving TANF benefits
    • A Dependent student who parent(s) are ineligible for unemployment compensation and has/have no current income from employment
  • Group B:  Nontraditional/Disadvantaged Criteria
    • The student is or will be enrolled in a special academic support program due to insufficient academic preparation
    • Neither of the student's parents graduated from a four-year college or university.
    • The student is handicapped according to the Department of Workforce Development, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation records or the Special Needs or Disabilities Office on Wisconsin college or university campuses using the ADA definition.
    • The student is currently or was formerly incarcerated in a correctional institution.
    • The student's environmental and academic background is such that it deters the pursuit of educational plans.

     4.  Return completed applications to nearest DPI-WEOP location nearest to you.  (See back page of application for locations) 

      5.  Deadline: Awards distributed on a first come, first served basis.  Recommend applying ASAP

Thomas H. Lutsey-Waseda Farms Scholarship - $10,000 disbursed over 4 years

Thomas H. Lutsey-Waseda Farms Scholarship

Posted 3-1-2023

  1. Current graduating senior attending a high school within 150 miles of Green Bay
  2. Attending an accredited 4-year college/university
    • Students can apply if they plan on attending a 2-year technical school first to then transfer to a 4-year program as a full-time student
  3. Pursuing a career with an agriculture focus that will enhance rural communities
    • Examples include dairy science, animal science, agriculture engineering, veterinary medicine, agriculture economics, biotechnology, environmental science, agri-business
  4. Minimum 3.0 high school GPA
  5. Minimum 19 ACT composite score
  6. Student with a rural or agriculture background
  7. Financial need as demonstrated by the FAFSA
    • Families with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of $20,000 or less are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Should your EFC fall above $20,000, you may still apply for the scholarship. Please review the Financial Information Requirements for further details. 
  8. Deadline: All application materials must be received by midnight April 1, 2024

TUMMA (The Upper Mississippi Manufacturing Alliance)  - $500 (multiple scholarships)

TUMMA Scholarship Application

Posted 10-17-2022

TUMMA Mission Statement: “TUMMA’s mission is to build a strong manufacturing workforce of the future by uniting manufacturers, educators, and students.”2023 High School Senior

  1. High School Seniors:  Can begin applying in March with a June 1 deadline
  2. Must have completed Western Technical College admission application
  3. Pursue a career in the advanced manufacturing related program Western Technical College
  4. Complete application
  5. Approximate Deadline June 1, 2024

Tryttan Scholarship - $4,000

Named after the late Professor Roland A. Tryttan, along-time faculty member and leader of the Department of Chemistry at UWSP

Awarded to high school students who, after graduation, become first-year students intending to major in Chemistry or Biochemistry

Applications can be found in PDF at:

Posted 11-2-2023

  1. Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 in high school
  2. Credits received for university fees as follows:
  3. Postmark deadline is January 31, 2024
  4. $200 per semester during first academic year
  5. $400 per semester during their second year
  6. $600 per semester during their third year
  7. $800 per semester during their fourth year
  8. Scholarship will continue as long as (a) declared major is chemistry or biochemistry at UWSP and (b) student earn at least a 3.00 GPA the previous semester, thereby maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0

United Cooperative Scholarships - Up to 50 @ $1,000 ea

2024 United Coopertative Scholarship Application 

Updated 2-24-2023

  1. High School Senior, College Students
  2. Student or parent must be an active patron member of United Cooperative
  3. Student must plan to attend (or be currently enrolled in) an accredited college, university or technical school
  4. Student must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale.
  5. Deadline: March 3, 2024

Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc - Wisconsin State Council - 3 $1,500 scholarships to be awarded in Fall of 2024

2024/2025 Richard T. Nuske Memorial Scholarship

Application materials

Updated 12-13-2023

  1. Write an original essay based on an interview with a Vietnam Vet
  2. Deadline: February 19, 2024

More information regarding this scholarship

WASBO Foundation is offering the following 2024 Scholarship opportunities:

  • $4,000 student scholarship sponsored by EMC Insurance Companies
  • $4,000 Joel Konze Memorial/Facilities Management Conference student scholarship sponsored by First Onsite Property Restoration and Stalker Sports Floors
  • $3,000 student scholarship sponsored by BMO Harris Bank
  • $3,000 student scholarship sponsored by Nexus Solutions
  • $1,000 student scholarship sponsored by National Insurance Services and Miron Construction

Application for the 2024 WASBO Scholarship opportunities

Updated 12.13.2023

  1. Current High School Senior
  2. Recipients may pursue any course of study
  3. Recipients can attend any accredited college or university (public or private)
  4. Completed application
  5. Personal letter stating your goals and career objectives
  6. High school scholastic record
  7. Description of your participation in the following areas: 
  8. Co-Curricular Activities
  9. Community Service
  10. Employment
  11. One letter of recommendation from someone within the student's school district
  12. One letter of recommendation from either a community member or employer
  13. Answer to the essay question listed on the scholarship application after interviewing the Superintendent, Business Manager or Bookkeeper from your school district.
  14. Recent photograph (original, reprint on photo paper or electronic photo emailed to Kristin Hauser at to be used in the WASBO e-newsletter, WASBO Focus, and recognition at WASBO's Spring Conference. The photograph will not be used in the selection process. Photographs will not be returned.
  15. Deadline: February 2, 2024

WCA Group Health Trust Scholarship - 5 @ $2,000 each

Opens February 9, 2024

If you have any questions please contact the WCA Group Health Trust's Robyn Voss via email, or phone at 866.404.2700.

Posted February 19, 2024

  1. Will you be enrolled as a full time undergraduate student at a four-year Wisconsin university or a two-year Wisconsin Technical College (public or private) in the fall of 2024?

  2. Is your major healthcare related?

  3. Are you, your grandparent, parent, or guardian a member of a WCA Group Health Trust member group?


    Deadline: June 7, 2024

    If you answered YES to all three questions above you are eligible to apply for the WCA Group Health Trust Scholarship.

Winners will be announced on August 2, 2024.

West Central Wisconsin SHRM Scholarship - Multiple Scholarships Available

2023-2024 West Central Wisconsin SHRM Scholarship Information and Applications


Updated 12.14.2023

  1. High School graduate (past or present) from a high school located in Jackson, Juneau, Monroe or Vernon counties
  2. Pursue higher education in Human Resources or other business field
  3. Applicant must demonstrate positive impact involvement - in the complete sense- consistent with capacity ad circumstances and/or significant improvement/success in scholarship and community involvement, determined through letter of recommendation.
  4. Cover Letter (brief explanation of career goals & why Human Resources is your field of interest, Biographical information, What makes you the best candidate?)
  5. Resume (some suggestions include volunteerism, sports, community activities, and/or work experience)
  6. Two letters of recommendation
  7. An official and recent high school or college transcript with cumulative GPA.
  8. Multiple deadlines

Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Scholarship - Up to $15,000 total monies

2024 Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Scholarship Application accepted 12-15-2023 to 3-1-2024 @ 

Updated 1.16.2024

  1. Wisconsin Student
  2. Must have been a Wisconsin 4-H member for at least three years
  3. GPA of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
  4. Enrolled or planning to enroll at a university, college or technical school during the 2024-2025 academic school year.
  5. Awarded to students based on demonstrated personal growth, development and leadership, academic performance and future educational goals.
  6. All documents must be sent as PDF (preferred) or Word Docs as attachments to one e-mail.  Any other cloud/internet shared documents will NOT be accepted.)
  7. Deadline:  Monday, March 1, 2024  (5:00 p.m. must be sent via e-mail)

Wisconsin American Legion 2024 Americanism and Government Test

11 students in Grade 10 receive a $250 scholarship

11 students in Grade 11 receive a $300 scholarship

11 students in Grade 12 receive a $750 scholarship

Get more information | Testing Link

  • The link is only active during the test window

Updated 11-10-2023

Students can win scholarships by testing themselves on their knowledge of government and flag etiquette. This is a 50 question timed test where students answer essay questions to have a chance to win a scholarship. 

  1. Open to students in 10th, 11th or 12th grade take
  2. Test window is open March 4 - 15, 2024


Does the test need to be taken at school?

No, it can be taken at home or school anytime of day from March 4 - 15, 2024

Who can take the test?

Current 10th, 11th or 12th graders

How many times can I take the test?

Students can take the test one time per school year while in 10th, 11th or 12th grade.

Can Homeschooled students take the test?


Can I take the test if I live in another state?

No, only students who attend school in the state of Wisconsin can take the test.

If students are not supervised, can they cheat by looking up the answers?

No, each question is timed, if you time out on the question, the test will kick you out and you will not be able to retake the exam.

Can I take the test more than once in a school year?

No, the system will not allow a student to take the test more than once per year.

How do I find out if I win a scholarship?

The schools that the winners attend will receive the certificates for the winners as we do not have the students personal addresses. Winners will be notified in April. Winners will also be announced on

How is the test scored?

The top scorers from the choice question section in each category will have their essays submitted to a rating panel. The essay question is weighted, so students need to put thought and effort into their essay question answer. 

How are the students divided up regionally for the test?

The school districts are divided up by Wisconsin American Legion Districts, with Milwaukee County being its own district.

Is there a study guide for the test?

No, students are tested on their knowledge of government and flag etiquette, there is no study guide and students are not given any hints as to what questions are on the exam.

How and when do I register for the test?

Students register when they take the test.

2023 - 2024 Wisconsin ELKS Association Technical College Scholarship - $500

Wisconsin ELKS Association Technical College Scholarship

Who is able to apply for this scholarship:

  • Wisconsin residents planning to pursue an eligible Vocational/Technical program at a 2-year Wisconsin Technical College.
  • Students carrying a minimum of 12 credits for the semester the scholarship is awarded.
  • Eligible applicants must be a United States citizen and a resident of Wisconsin.

Scholarship Deadline:

  • Applications must be completed and submitted by April 1, 2024.
  • All application materials should be submitted to the Elks Lodge located nerest your permanent home address. (A list of Wisconsin Elks Lodges is located with the application.)

Scholarship Applications may be found under Forms at





Posted 03-21-2023


1. APPLICATION (photocopies accepted)

     Applications must be mailed to Ron Bohn 3311 48th St, South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, not to the lodge

  • Applications and letters that are typewritten are preferred over handwritten and all must be signed.
  • Application must be in English or English translation. 
  • Endorsement letters must be original, on one side of a single sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 paper and signed by the author.


  • Statement should be 200 words or less summarizing the activities, accomplishments, needs and objectives of the applicant which they believe qualifies him or her for the grant and outlines applicants career goals.


  • No more than three letters of endorsement from responsible persons who have had an opportunity to personally observe the applicant and who can give a worthwhile opinion of the character, industry, disposition and general worthiness of the applicant. **ALL LETTERS MUST BE SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR**


  • All exhibits and letters of endorsement shall be neat and removed from any envelopes and bound flat. (Make sure to allow sufficient margin on left b order for readability).


  1. Completed application
  2. Applicant statement 
  3. Letters of endorsement
  4. Copies of exhibits, awards, newspaper articles, etc. indicating involvement in school & non-school activities, community services, etc.

*Brochures must be stapled on the left side. Bindings or covers should not be used.

Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) Scholarship - 4 @ $1,450

2024 Application 

Member Benefits

WEAC Scholarships

Updated 1.16.2024

  1. High School Senior
  2. Parent must be an active WEAC member, a retired WEAC member or a parent who died while holding a WEAC membership
  3. Must plan to pursue an education major or minor and intend to teach in Wisconsin
  4. Must rank in top 25% of his/her class
  5. Have achieved a 3.0 cumulative GPA at the time of application

WIESA Youth Scholarship - 2 @ $1,500

Please check their website at 


Youth Scholarships

Updated 1-16-2024

  1. Current High School Senior
  2. Parent or guardian must be an active member of a Wisconsin police or fire department.  
  3. Write an essay explaining "What it means to me to have my parent or guardian involved in securing our community"
  4. Awards are based on a combination of academic achievement, national test scores, extracurricular participation and the essay. 
  5. The following items must be submitted: completed application, essay, transcripts, proof of acceptance to a college or university, proof of parent's occupation, SAT and/or ACT test score results, resume, letter of recommendation and completed Community Service Form.
  6. Deadline: March 1, 2024  (Applications must be sent on or before this deadline to be accepted.)

Wisconsin Pork Association Scholarships - $500

2024 Wisconsin Pork Association Scholarship Application 

Updated 1-16-2024

  1. Wisconsin High School Senior
  2. Student must have a sincere interest in the swine industry
  3. Pursue a post high school education, i.e. college, vocational school, short course, etc.
  4. Deadline: December 1, 2024

Wisconsin Professional Police Association Scholarship

2024 Application is available here

Updated 1-16-2024

  1. High School Senior or College Student
  2. Must be a Wisconsin resident
  3. Enrolling in a college or vocational/technical school in a course of study leading to a two- or four-year degree in police science, criminal justice, or a law enforcement related field (which does not include law school)
  4. Application
  5. Enclose a typewritten essay (on 8 1/2 x 11 paper) of 200 words or less outlining why you have chosen a law enforcement career.  Include any special projects relating to your interest in law enforcement and any other factors you wish to the committee to consider.
  6. Deadline: February 1, 2024

Wisconsin Rural Opportunities Foundation, Inc - 5 @ $3,000

Accepting applications submitted online only. Applications can be found here 

Posted 1-16-2024

  1. The high school senior has lived in rural Wisconsin for at least two years. "Rural" is defined as traditional rural areas and rural towns with a population of 25,000 or less.
  2. The high senior is attending a public or private school in Wisconsin.
  3. The high school senior is pursuing post-secondary education and plans on returning to rural Wisconsin upon graduation.
  4. The high school senior will pursue a degree in a field that will support the economic health and well-being of rural communities in Wisconsin. This includes fields in agriculture, healthcare, large animal veterinary care, environmental studies, and sustainable practices.
  5. The high school senior has financial need.
  6. Deadline: March 6, 2024 online only.

Wisconsin Towns Association - 2 @ $1,000, 5 @ $1,000

Rural Mutual Insurance Company, Wisconsn Towns Association, and Scott Construction, Inc. are again offering scholarships to winners of an essay contest.

  • Two $1,000 scholarships awarded to thte students with the highes-ranking essay score from a town or viallage insured by Rural Mutual Incruance Company as of May 1, 2024.
  • Five $1,000 scholarships will be awareded to the top five additional students with the highest-ranking essay scores.



Posted 2-5-2024

  1. Type (not handwritten) a double-spaced 500-1,000 word essay on the topic: "What strategies can be implemented by town officials in collaboration with citizens to maintain civility in local government?"
  2. Essays must include a bibliographic listing of sources used.
  3. Essays will be judged independently on originality and subject matter in relation tot he topic. The essays must also contain correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  4. The completed essay should be postmarked no later than May 24, 2024, and mailed to the address at the bottom of the Background Information sheet.
  5. Complete the Background Information sheet.
  6. Must graduate from a Wisconsin public or private high school in 2024 and plan to attend a Wisconsin public or private college or university in 2024.
  7. Judging will be will be completed by August 9, 2024. Recipients will be announced by August 23, 2024. Proof of enrollment in a Wisconsin public or private college is required to receive a scholarship.
  8. Deadline: May 24, 2024.

Wisconsin Tribal Educational Promise Program for Undergraduate Students


First announced in December 2023, the Wisconsin Tribal Educational Promise Program is a commitment to Wisconsin residents who are enrolled members of federally recognized Wisconsin American Indian tribes. The program guarantees scholarships and grants to meet the full in-state cost of attendance for Wisconsin Native Nations students who are pursuing their first undergraduate degree.


  • Applicants for most types of financial aid must be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or other eligible non-citizen,
  • International students on a VISA are not eligible for any financial aid through our office, check with International Student Services.
  • Also make sure to check out our listing of other on- and off-campus resources.
  • Must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a degree-seeking student,
  • Special (Non-Degree) students should contact our office for more information.
  • Must be enrolled at least half-time (for most financial aid funds),
  • Must maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP),
  • Must not be in default on a federal student loan and not owe money on a federal student grant.
  • By completing the FAFSA, you will be considered for various types of financial aid from several sources.

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