The TASD Distinguished Alumni program was established in 2017 in coordination with Tomah High’s 50 year anniversary to salute the achievements of our alumni whose personal lives, professional achievements, and community service exemplify the objectives of their alma mater. This is a high honor bestowed upon our outstanding alumni to inspire our students.
To honor our inductees, we:
- send a formal invitation and notification of their nomination and induction.
- adding a plaque to our Distinguished Alumni wall located inside the high school
- interviews conducted by the high school media productions class
- introduce the inductees in front of our high school students during the homecoming pep rally
- feature the inductees in the homecoming parade
- present our inductees their recognition plaques during halftime of the homecoming football game
To be nominated, the candidate (living or deceased) must be/have:
- A graduate of Tomah High School or attended Tomah High School for t least two years.
- A Tomah High School Alumni of at least ten years prior to nomination.
- A record of outstanding achievement in his/her career field or fulfillment of personal educational potential.
- Outstanding leadership, character and service to his/her community
- To be considered for the next school year: Nominations must be submitted no later than June 30th. Nominations will be held for three years for future consideration if not selected upon submittal.
- Notification of Induction: Inductees will be notified via formal letter of their selection no later than August 31st to prepare for the ceremony at the Tomah High School Homecoming Game in October.
- Please contact the District Communications Coordinator with any questions regarding our Distinguished Alumni program.
- Ph: 608-374-5017