A Time for Reflection and Gratitude

A Time for Reflection and Gratitude

We are in the waning days of 2018 with only a few weeks before another new year begins.  Despite the darker days and colder temperatures, our community seems brighter and warmer with all the twinkling lights and good cheer as we prepare for Christmas festivities.  It is important that we take time during the holiday season to reflect on what has helped us be successful and to recognize all for which we are grateful- this is true for us individually, as well as for organizations as a whole.

The Tomah Area School District is fortunate to have a Board of Education that is focused on what is best for our children.  While there can be disagreement on issues or the best way to accomplish goals, the seven members of our Board- Brian Hennessey, Aaron Lueck, Nancy McCoy, Jerry Fushianes, John McMullen, Gary Grovesteen, and Pam Buchda- work cooperatively and respectfully with each other and members of the administrative team to move our school district forward.  Our community has elected these individuals to serve in this capacity and they have done an admirable job recognizing their responsibilities and thoughtfully making decisions which advance educational opportunities.

The Tomah Area School District is fortunate to be surrounded by a community which embraces the work we are doing and provides support and encouragement.  Whether it is the monthly financial donations made by businesses, organizations, or individuals which are accepted by our Board or the involvement of parents who serve on school PTO’s and volunteer at events, or the family members- grandma or grandpa, aunt or uncle- who join moms and dads to applaud the efforts of a child on the soccer field or the auditorium stage, we are blessed to have a community that cares and shows up to demonstrate their support!

The Tomah Area School District is fortunate to have employees who truly care about the students they are serving.  The work done in our schools by employees at every level of the organization is similar to the work of medical and ministerial professionals.  We are here to help others- children and families- to gain the skills and knowledge necessary for future success.  While those in medicine adhere to the rule of “do no harm”, in education the rule is “do not diminish hope”.  It takes a big heart, a kind temperament, and a generous spirit to provide the love and encouragement many children in our schools need.  Thankfully these are the people we employ in our school district!

Lastly, the Tomah Area School District is fortunate to have a population of children and families who value education.  The vast majority of our students come to school prepared to learn. The vast majority of students work hard each day to meet the expectations of their teachers.  They are involved in school activities. They demonstrate respect and share acts of kindness with others.  The doors of every school in our district would be closed if we had no children to teach.  We do not take lightly our responsibility for each and every one of the children who enter our schools.  Without them our work has no purpose. 

There is no question that as we look to the future, the success of the Tomah Area School District will continue to rely on an effective Board of Education, a community which supports our work, quality teachers and support staff, and our children.  As an organization, for all this, we are grateful! What gifts all of these are!  Merry Christmas!

If you have any questions or comments about the information and opinions expressed in this edition of The School Bell, please contact Cindy Zahrte, District Administrator, at cindyzahrte@tomah.education or 374-7002.

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7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


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10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

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